Raspberry PI WIFI Drop

Embedded 2019. 7. 23. 17:00

Optional Step: Turn off Power Management 

If you have any issues with your Wi-Fi adapter dropping connections or becoming unresponsive, it may be the driver's power management setting causing you problems.

You can turn off power management by simply creating a new file with a line of text inside it.


Enter the following command to create this new file:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf


Then enter the following line of text:

options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0 rtw_ips_mode=1

Once again exit the file using Ctrl+X and save under the same name.


Reboot Your Raspberry Pi 

That's everything you need to do to set up a Wi-Fi adapter, so now we need to reboot the Pi to put all of these changes into effect.

Type the following command in the terminal to reboot, then hit Enter:

sudo reboot

Your Pi should restart and connect to your network within a minute or so.


There's four parms listed in the document you cite.

Code: Select all


  • 0 == disable power saving
  • 1 == power saving on, minPS
  • 2 == power saving on, maxPS

Code: Select all


  • 0 == disable auto suspend
  • 1 == enable auto suspend

Code: Select all


  • 0 == disable HW power pin detection
  • 1 == enable HW power pin detection

Code: Select all


  • 0 == low power, IPS_NORMAL
  • 1 == higher power, IPS_LEVEL2


The conventional wisdom, because we're running our RPis as server systems not clients, is to set rtw_power_mgnt=0 and rtw_enusbss=0 to prevent the dongle going into power saving and to ignore the other two parms because they don't make any difference. If the server goes into power saving we'd need a process to wake it up. That's different from a client system where interaction from a keyboard user will trigger a request to wake up and associate the dongle.